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Human resource

People are the engine of Neodecortech, an essential good. We strive to improve the performance and engagement of our employees and ensure that they are treated with respect and fairness. People are our most important resource, the real competitive factor; with them we share the values that guide our daily commitment: trust, innovation, responsibility.

The Group Companies are required to comply with the current regulations and the relevant CCNL, to use the guidelines set out in the Code of Ethics and to refer to internal rules and regulations on the safety and health protection of the worker.

Diversity and equal opportunities

Neodecortech’s commitment to the development of a work environment based on equity and the protection of diversity has been formalized in a special Policy on Diversity and Inclusion. This policy is in line with the principles expressed in the Code of Ethics as well as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Some Group data for 2023

• 4 women and 5 men in the Board of Directors
• 13 managers of which 2 women and 11 men

Wellbeing of the employees

We do everything we can to provide a safe and rewarding workplace for our employees and, at the same time, promote an ethical corporate culture that goes beyond regulatory compliance.
In addition to our commitment to making every working day healthy and safe, we have:

• prepared a regulation for the granting of scholarships to employees and their children;

• activate an insurance coverage with the Salute Sempre fund for employees and FASI for Executives;

• defined a company performance bonus based on the achievement of pre-established targets, with different brackets depending on the improvement achieved for each target, and standardized for men and women covering the same role;

• agreed individual smart working agreements to the extent of one day per week;

• free of charge flu vaccines;

• model 730 elaboration in the company;

• free analysis of the pension position.

Among the tools made available for employees also includes support for those who need assistance in tax or social security, including for personal and family purposes and therefore outside the strict working environment.

Training and development

Improving the performance and engagement of our employees is a priority for us. A safe work culture, capacity building in terms of innovation and operational efficiency, the use of new technologies, as well as understanding of customers and markets will be key to our future success.

We invest in quality training as a tool for developing the transversal skills and professional skills of our resources, so that they operate safely, effectively and efficiently.
We provide training and professional growth paths aimed at the development of specific technical skills and soft skills. In 2023, Group Companies delivered more than 14,350 hours of training. The training activities are carried out in a strategic and compliance perspective, aimed at the improvement and continuous growth of staff.

Neodecortech has also developed a technical training plan on the job aimed at new resources taken over the last three years: each junior resource is assigned to a specially appointed trainer who accompanies it in the path of professional growth.


The Group continues its path of growth and transformation:

Employees at 31.12.2019
Employees at 31.12.2023




The recruitment of new resources has led to a general lowering of the average age of the company population:

Under 25

40-50 years range
50-60 years range









and raised the level of school farm:

Eighth grade



