The Group
Neodecortech S.p.A. is one of the leading European operators in the production of decorative papers for laminated panels and flooring used in the interior design sector. It is listed on Euronext STAR Milan, organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. – Euronext STAR Milan segment, and is an Italian industrial company operating in the furniture industry, consisting of three companies integrated in a single chain 100% made in Italy that share a coordinated vision and a universal industrial strategy.

The Group’s strategy is to ensure the excellence and sustainability of the business through the continuous improvement of all performance, process and product. The policies, management models and internal codes adopted by the Group are tangible proof of the commitments made, in line with the strategic approach adopted.
The process of expansion and verticalization undertaken over the years has led the Group to operate in different markets for products and characteristics required, from electricity generation (BEG) to paper production (CDG)printing and finishing of polymer films. (Confalonieri, Plana, Texte).
Honesty, fairness and transparency, attention to the person, seriousness and competence, continuous research and improvement, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, respect for the environment, quality and timeliness, creativity and originality.
75 years of interior design
A single vision, a universal industrial strategy and 75 years of experience have made Neodecortech a leader in Italy in the production of decorative papers for laminated panels and polymeric films for flooring. Through a series of restructurings and acquisitions, the Group has finally reached the dimension of a real integrated chain composed of bioenergy Guarcino (BEG), Cartiere di Guarcino (CDG) and Confalonieri, Texte, and Plana.

Filago (BG)
Printing and impregnation decorative paper
Printing and laminating plastic films
EOS polymer film lacquering
Casoli di Atri (TE)
CPL (Continuos Pessure Laminates)
Guarcino (FR)
CDG, Cartiera di Guarcino: decorative paper production
BEG, BioEnergia Guarcino: Electricity production plant from biomass
Production sites
Turnover 2021
Export quote
A daily commitment focused on man, the environment, the quality of life, products and services: sustainability is a concrete objective.

Luigi Cologni
CEO and Investor Relator
Massimo Giorgilli
Executive Director
Marina Fumagalli
Group CFO and Managing Director