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Planet, People & Prosperity

We regulate all our activities on the basis of three fundamental pillars borrowed from the basic principles of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. Planet, People, Prosperity guide our commitment to sustainability and provide the framework for our daily actions.

We support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda, contributing directly to 10 of the 17 policy areas: a clear and broad shared vision, essential to ensure a serious fight against the effects of climate change.


Energy and emissions

– BEG produced 525,295 GJ of renewable electricity in 2021 = avoided the emission of 37,880 tonnes of CO2

– Filago plant is equipped with a 999MW photovoltaic plant

– Installation of 500 kW photovoltaic system in Casoli during 2022 which achieve electricity self-sufficiency of around 20%.

– Cartiera di Guarcino has requested its main pulp suppliers to assess a collaboration/partnership for the implementation of shared projects with the gradual aim of fully offsetting the CO2emissions of the NDT Group possibly over the 2021-2023 Plan.

Waste and water discharges

– 93% falls into the non-hazardous waste category (4.969.137 kg)

– 7% into the hazardous waste category (407.992 kg)

– Meticulous manage in compliance with the relevant legal provisions for waste

– The paper mill is responsible for 99% of the Group’s water consumption. At the end of the production process the water is filtered, purified and returned to the Cosa river.

Circular economy and use of renewable raw materials

– 817 tonnes of waste paper were collected from the Filago offices and delivered for recovery to CDG.

– 2000 tonnes of paper from other printers that are its customers

– 2052 tonnes of waste paper

– Share of recycled plus waste paper out of the total paper produced and sold = 11%

– 121 tonnes of recovered PVC


Worker health and safety

– Courses to reduce risks

– CCNL = insurance cover

– Awareness initiatives = Settimana europea per la sicurezza e la salute sul lavoro

– Asbestos disposal project by 2023

Employee management and training

– The Group strives to enhance the skills of its human resources through training programs and professional growth paths, encouraging their active involvement.

– Tutoring for new hires

Diversity and equal opportunities

– 2021 = 25 women and 34 men in the administrative group

– 2021 the Group had 16 executives, of whom 5 were women and 11 were men.

Relationship with local communities

– Great relation and collaboration with local communities

– The initiative “Il bosco della memoria” in Bergamo intends to be a reference point for cultural, educational and recreational initiatives of the community;

– “Ti trasporto a pranzo” project of Atri, consist to support disadvantaged families by allowing them to use transportation and/or the school canteen, raising the threshold of exemption for payment of the costs of these services.


Product quality

– Quality of the materials used

– Constant quality control of all raw materials used

Economic performance and indirect economic impacts

– Revenues 2021 = € 176,429 thousand (+ 38% of 2020)

– Consolidated gross operating profit (EBITDA) = € 18,146 thousand

– Net profit for the year = € 6.7 million (+ 90% of 2020)

– Business plan 2021 – 2023: Euro 29 million (+ 50% investments compared to 2018-2020)

Tax compliance and transparency

– Transparency and legality

– Tax on profit for the year came to € 1.3 Million

– Chief Financial Officer (CFO) + Administration, Finance and Control Department + support also from external consultants = policy setting in terms of fiscal transparency


– Importance of administration and control system

– Monitoring risks, including the most relevant non-financial risks, through Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

– Compliance with environmental legislation, health and safety at work and the risk of climate change

– Existence of the Endoconsiliary Committee on Risk Control and Sustainability

Sustainable management of the supply chain

– Attention in the identification and selection of suppliers and adoption of the Code of Conduct for suppliers

– Furniture pact (link

Research and development

– Market analysis for the development of new designs/product types

– Since 2010 the Research and development area has became Neodecortech Lab

– The pivotal role of innovation in the Group’s strategy is reflected in the new 2021-2023 Business Plan, which envisages a 50% increase in investments versus the previous three-year period

Sustainable Marketing

Certifications FSC® e PEFC

Data protection

– All relevant information is processed in full compliance with the rules adopted by the Company on the protection of personal data and in accordance with the applicable legislation

Dialogue and customer satisfaction

– Satisfaction questionnaire:

∙ 2021 response rate of 95% (+45% versus 2020)
∙ 2021 average rating = 4,2 su 5 (3,9 in 2020).

– Commercial function of the Group = direct sales model

– Sales activities abroad carried out mainly by internal area managers, together with agents of commerce in certain areas requiring a direct presence on the spot (Turkey, Iran, Brazil, Russia, Far East, North America).