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Circular Economy

We are a single reality with 3 commercial identities.
We have a cogeneration plant, which produces electricity to power the paper mill, which produces specific paper for the furniture and flooring sector; the parent company, Neodecortech, controls the other cascades, and prints, impregnates and supplies the paper with which our customers then produce the panels for the furniture industry.

All three of our companies are in a process of continuous transformation and are interconnected: the circular economy is a solution for climate change.

The circular economy is a characteristic element of the Group: bioenergy Guarcino, the company that produces energy, burns biomass, a byproduct of the food chain. We use no fossil fuels, just natural fuels. The energy thus produced is supplied to Cartiere di Guarcino, which uses only cellulose from controlled forests (FSC) in addition to waste paper; the paper thus produced is supplied to Neodecortech for printing and the waste is recycled. A sustainable process by definition.

The same applies to plastics: both PVC and PET come from recycled sources and are delivered for reuse. In 2021 we made an almost total conversion of all packaging. Our wooden packaging comes from FSC 9001 forests, the plastic from recycled materials only.


The energy consumed by CDG, in the form of steam and electricity, is produced entirely by BEG. In a circular economy, BEG engines are powered by bioliquids, in particular vegetable oils and SOA (animal by-products). As of 2017, BEG uses only animal fat from Italian suppliers as fuel, in the awareness of the benefits of a short supply chain.

Electric power motor + alternator

6865 kW


9 ton/h


The spring water collected to feed the paper mill, CDG, is reused during several production processes to limit its exploitation. At the end, it is purified and filtered to be returned to the river from which it was taken.

Renewable raw materials

The paper and cellulose purchased is completely FSC, while the plastics use are recycled to 70%. A commitment that extends the use of renewable raw materials not only to the materials used in production, but to all levels of company life.

Cellulosa proveniente da foreste certificate

100 %

Reused cellulose from production waste

22 %


The issue of waste is managed with great attention, monitoring the waste of production processes and carefully evaluating and selecting the companies in charge of transport and disposal.

Non-hazardous waste

96 %

Hazardous waste

4 %

Recovered waste

59 %

Recycled waste

22 %

Waste disposal

21 %